Digital Photography & Imaging: Exercises
01/04/19-19/04/19 (Week 1-Week 3)
Angelina Lee An Qi (0334272)
Digital Photography & Imaging
Lecture Notes
Lecture 1: Basics of PhotoshopWeek 1: During this week we learnt the basic techniques of Photoshop like free transform, layers, hue and saturation, match colour, filter > noise, etc.
We were instructed to photoshop ourselves into Hearst Mansion as our exercise.
Lecture 2: Basics of Photoshop II
Week 2: For this week we learnt about adding layer mask as well as creating smart object and the gradient tool, as well as quite a few others. We edited an image of a background, a house, and a ghost bride. We also did another one with the sky as the background and a cottage.
Lecture 3: Recoloring A Black & White Photo
Week 3: This week we learnt how to recolour a black and white photo. First, we were given a standard picture to work with. Then, once we got the hang of it, we were able to choose any black and white photo online and attempt it on our own.
Week 1:
Mr Jeffrey gave us this picture of Hearst Mansion to Photoshop ourselves into.

I took pictures of my hand to add to the Hearst Mansion. I didn't use the first picture because the lighting wasn't suitable.
This is the final image:

Week 2:
For exercise 2, we combined these pictures to create an eerie haunted house with a ghost bride.
This is the end product I made:

We did another similar one except with this sky and a cottage-looking kind of house.

This is what I did:

Week 3:
This was the standard picture Mr Jeffrey gave us at first:

This was the result of my first attempt at recolouring:

We then were able to choose any black and white picture from Google and this is what I picked:

I did not fully grasp how to properly recolour just yet so this is how it turned out:

I decided to try again and picked another one.

The result:

Week 1: There was no feedback for the first week.Week 2: Mr Jeffrey nor Mr Martin commented on my work.
Week 3: Mr Jeffrey mentioned for me to work on the ends of the hair and the borderline between the skin and background, but other than that it's all good.
Experience:Week 1: Confused a couple of times, but still managed to keep up.
Week 2: I feel like I have just barely grasped the basics of Photoshop. I know I still have a ways to improve, but for now I think I'm okay at my level.
Week 3: The pace of this class is just nice so that I don't overstress but at the same time I find progress a bit slow at times.
Week 1: I did not edit the lighting in my image properly.
Week 2: I am not as fast in editing like other people.
Week 3: The edges of my subject's hair is a bit sketchy.
Week 1: I found out that I still have a long way to go to master Photoshop.
Week 2: I sometimes just lose track of what I am doing; I need to focus more.
Week 3: I still forget about a few shortcuts I can use in Photoshop.
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