Vehicle & Prop Design: Final Project

Angelina Lee An Qi (0334272)

Vehicle & Prop Design

Final Project (Week 11-14)

Final Project


Final Project



Reflection 1

For the final project I began working on it a little late as I did not get the materials I needed on time. I wanted to go for a sci-fi theme because I wanted to work on a gun that is colorful. I went for a color palette of neon green, black and silver.

Reflection 2

While spray painting the gun, I found that the masking tape peeled the spray paint underneath very easily. After several layers of spray paint, it was not as effective as I thought it would be and used acrylic paint for most of the black and silver-colored sections. In the end, I did not necessarily add as much greeblies as my coursemates, but instead made sure to focus on a more sleek outcome as a futuristic gun weapon would turn out.


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