Game Art: Character Sheet

Angelina Lee An Qi (0334272)

Game Art

Project 2 (Character Sheet)



Fig 1.1 Level boss progress

Fig 1.2 Small creature progress

Fig 1.3 Mob 1 progress

Fig 1.4 Mob 2 progress

Fig 1.5 Old dark spirit progress

Fig 2.1 Level boss size comparison

Fig 2.2 Color palette 1

Fig 2.3 Finalized color palette

Fig 2.4 Rendered characters


My characters aren't as detailed as I would like them to be. I also feel like when I moved on to the color palette of the characters, I didn't like it as much as I envisioned it in the silhouette stage. I still have a lot to improve on, pose-wise as well as my color selection.


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